amethyst trees

Amethyst trees are a rare deciduous tree known for its beautiful purple leaves and very valuable sap which can be distilled into very versatile reagents.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

me with Midjourney
Amethyst trees are in the samara family. In modern times, this family of trees is known for having "heliocopter seeds".   Relative to other samara trees, amethyst trees do not produce a lot of seeds and every attempt by mortal hands to plant the seeds has failed, only nature seems to be able to dictate where the trees grow.

Biological Cycle

The trees are only their iconic purple color in the spring and summer. In the fall, the leaves turn brown and fall off, making them one of the few trees in the Grey Forest that becomes less pretty in the autumn.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

by Eron12 with Hero Forge
-Bevan, Swynfaredian Alchemists
"The timber, bark, and leaves have no useful properties beyond those of any other tree, but the sap is especially valuable.   The sap of the amethyst can be distilled into very potent reagents, able to be used for a wide variety of magical potions and scrolls.
  This is hardly the only plant in Scarterra that has a valuable sap or nectar, but what sets this sap apart is it's versatility. The sap can be used for almost anything, it is not limited to a broad type of magic like most reagent plants. It is rare to find a type of reagent that can animate an undead warrior OR be used in a healing potion without an alchemist subjecting the reagent to a lengthy and costly process first.   This probably why you don't see a lot of alchemists in the Grey Forest, hard to find paying work."

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They are found in small numbers throughout the entirety of the The Grey Forest, but they are heavily concentrated in the aptly named Duchy of Amethysts.  
In the Duchy of Amethysts, amethysts trees are both the backbone of the region's economy and a symbol of their national identity. It helps that the ruling Numaness family is found of the color purple. The ruling class of the Duchy of Amethysts loves to showcase amethyst jewelry (which they have to import because amethyst trees have no relation to actual amethysts).
by me with Midjourney

Civilization and Culture


by me with Midjourney
Amethysst are widely assumed to have divine origins of some sort.   The purple color of the leaves and mystic property of the sap leads many to speculate that Greymoria had a hand in creating these trees, that is certainly what her followers at the Temple of Azure Shadows like to claim. If this is the case, this would be one of Greymoria's most benevolent creations.
  Many speculate that Greymoria did not make these trees by herself. Some speculate that Korus and/or Nami also had a hand in their creation.   The fact that the trees only thrive in very wild relatively untouched places suggests a very Korus-like value and the fact that they reproduce unpredictably via wind is a very Nami-like trait.

Cover image: by me with Midjourney


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