Aurum Kamilia of the Dawn

Kamilia is an Aurum, second class.   She is the chief archivist and librarian of the Fumayan Keepers and is the right hand of Aurum Zara of the Dawn.   Kamilia is unpopular with the other Fumayan Keepers, not due to any personality problem but because being an archivist for the Keepers is a very thankless job. One unpleasant chore that every young Keeper does at some point is transcribing copies of books and ledgers and Kamilia delegates assignments and provides quality control for this grueling task.   Kamilia at the very least isn't a hypocrite. She transcribes a lot of books personally and she is by far the best Keeper at this. Her caligraphy and illuminated manuscripts are considered top quality.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kamilia was the daughter of Fumayan knight. She opted for an ecclesiastical education with the Keepers and excelled at the bookish aspects of being a Keeper eventually landing her the position of chief archivist.


Kamilia married one of the Royal Knights of Fumaya, Sir Doman. They have two sons, both serves as squires with ambitions of knighthood later.   She and her husband got along initially but their relationship has cooled. The younger Keepers (quietly) say that both Kamilia and Sir Doman are married to their jobs and their supposed spouses are really their affair partners.
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Elven, Dwarven, Gnomish, maybe more

Cover image: by me with Midjourney


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