
Hand Axe, difficulty 7, minimum Strength 2, Strength +4 (S)/+5 (H) lethal damage Special Traits: light, throwable 6 silver pieces  
"Like a dagger, a hand axe is a militarized version of a common tool. A good self defense weapon for outdoorsmen because it's quick to grab and has decent cutting power.   Even on the battlefield, it's still useful. Not as a primary weapon, but it really helps that they are throwable. If an enemy is charging you, you can hurl a hand axe at him and still have time to ready your main weapon in case your throw doesn't dissuade him. If any enemy breaks and flees from you, you can quickly throw a hand axe in his back.   A stout axe throw is also good at taking down or at least driving off beasts in the wilderness."   Dulgrom, dwarf ranger
    Battle Axe, difficulty 7, minimum Strength 3, Strength +6 lethal damage. Special Traits: top heavy 1 gold piece  
"Battle axes are great at killin' folk. You aren't gonna to find a more deadly all-purpose one-handed weapon without magic. The fancy folk may make snide comments about an axe being clumsy but a stout shield can more than make up for this."   -Ragnut, ogre mercenary
    Great Axe, difficulty 7, minimum Strength 3, Strength +7 lethal damage. Special Traits: top heavy 2 gold pieces  
"A great axe is a two-handed version of the more commonly seen battle axe. Most regular battle axes are single bladed but most great axes are double bladed allowing the wielder to hit foes with the fore and backswing.   A warrior who carries a great axe is essentially shouting out to all 'I care more about slaying my enemies than my protecting myself!' Beware of warriors like this. That said, not everyone who regularly wields great axes has a premature death wish. With proper armor, a warrior can charge into foes swinging a great axe and still be alive to boast about their deeds when the battle is over. Since the best armors tend to be expensive, most great axe wielders tend to be courageous highborn warriors, at least among dwarves. Anyone who wields a great axe without proper armor is probably a fool whether they are a dwarf or not.   Either in a small skirmish or large battle, one tactic that is solid is to pair a great axe wielder with allies with pole arms or other crowd control weapons helping provide cover to let the great axe warrior isolate and cut down one foe at a time. That is how you fight with courage and wisdom."   -Vamorus Red Shaft, Elder of the Red Shaft clan
    Woodsman Axe (2H), difficulty 7, minimum Strength 2, Strength + 4 (S)/+3 lethal damage Special Traits: top heavy 1 silver piece   When it's restricted who may carry a weapon, this is often the most powerful weapon a commoner can find.

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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