Banana Harvest Festivals

Banana Harvest Festivals are very local holidays, only observed by the Elven Empire, government, and only in those locales that grow a lot of bananas.   Korus and the rest of the Nine are thanked for a good harvest, but this is mostly a secular holiday.   Local lords and ladies give their subjects permission to go bananas. Local lords normally hire musicians, jugglers, acrobats, illusionist wizards, and acting troupes to put on entertainments for the commoners.   Despite the phallic associations of bananas, most of the entertainment is child friendly. Some nobles even go as far as to give away toys and candy to the commoner children.   The locals will have a feast, not just involving bananas but of course bananas and banana custards are a frequently served.   There is a lot of variation from locality to locality for how to celebrate.  The date is not constant, and varies year by year based on the state of the current banana crop as much as anything. It is common that the local lords try to make demonstrations of generosity to their subjects but the specifics of this vary from location to location and lord to lord.
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