Blue Healers

Not be confused with the dog breed of the same name.  Blue Healers are the most common healing spirit on Scarterra.  They Mera's most common healing spirit.   They are usually invisible, but if they choose to reveal their form, or they are forced to they usually show up as beautiful or handsome humanoids, only completely blue per their namesake. It is believed that they have some minor shapeshifting ability and appeal as the race of the majority of onlookers or the single onlooker that is most in line with Mera’s morality. Blue Healers usually wear simple peasants clothing and frequently carry Silverwood staves.   Blue Healers are almost complete pacifists and will never inflict lethal damage mortal beings even when facing their own destruction or the destruction of those they love. If figuratively or literally cornered, they will fight to try to beat opponents unconscious with their staff. Blue Healers will reluctantly use lethal force if cornered by an elemental or demons. The only time they are enthusiastic fighters is against undead, who they will normally attack by turning them or wounding them with “healing” spells.   Blue Healers usually dwell invisible around sacred sites to Mera, usually a body of water, but they will proactively move to beleaguered areas in need of healing if warranted. It’s rare but Blue Healers have chosen to reveal themselves to and join adventuring parties. This normally occurs during one of two scenarios. The first scenario is when the adventurers are fighting a large number of undead or void creatures. The second scenario is a party of adventurers thoroughly impressed by their ethics. The adventurers do not have to be pacifists and can even kill to win the approval of a Blue Healer but have to be near perfect adherents of the chivalric ideal. Always attempting negotiation first, always accepting an honorable surrender, always placing the welfare of non-combatants above their own, etc.

Can they sire or bear half-spirit children?

  Yes, Blue Healers are among those spirits most likely to have half-spirit children.   If a Blue Healer travels with an adventurer that follows Mera's ideals, relationships are often close.  For short term flings, Blue Healers sometimes have Florence Nightingale syndrome.   Blue Healers have been seen impersonating blue versions of humans, elves, dwarves, and gnomes among others.  It is obvious that they have some mild shapeshifting abilities though no one has seen an actual transformation because Blue Healers never transform while observed.  It is rumored but not proven that they are gender fluid.  When revealing themselves to devout Mera worshipers, they nearly always take the form and gender of the most devout Mera worshiper's preference.   Half-mortal children of Blue Healers tend to have watery traits, noticeably bluish skin and light colored hair.  They tend to have gentle disposition and a facility with mundane medicines and many are favored souls with a strong aptitude for healing magic.

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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