Buying and Selling and Haggling

Finding an uncommon item for sale typically requires Perception + Commerce. That’s assuming the item is available at all. A storyteller has the right to say something cannot be purchased or sold.   Finding a buyer for an uncommon item should probably be role played out but if expediency is desired it can be accomplished with a Intelligence + Commerce and/or a Charisma + Commerce roll.   Coins are fairly prevalent but various forms of barter are very common. It is not necessary (or desirable) for players to role play out every single purchase made, but this can rolled for important purchases. The buyer and seller make an opposed roll of success Manipulation + Commerce. If the seller wins he will get a roughly 10% adjustment in his favor per net success. If the buyer wins by one or two success, she receives roughly a 10% or 20% cost adjustment in his favor. If the buyer wins three successes he can buy goods at the seller’s break even point. Five successes lets him talk the seller into a loss.   It is generally best to resolve routine purchases without rolling dice and save haggling rolls for important purchases.

Cover image: Scarterran haggling scene by Zeta Gardner


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