First Circle Conjuration Spells
Grease: Summons a slick surface on a wall, floor, ceiling or item. If the spell is cast on an item that is carried it’s resisted by Willpower.
Dexterity Instant
Mage Armor: Caster conjures armor worth one soak level plus an additional soak per every two successes rounded down. There are no Dexterity penalties for wearing this armor, but this cannot stack with mundane armor (though it does work with shields). Armor lasts for one hour per success.
Stamina Persistent
Spirit Arrows: Caster conjures a bow for three minutes per success. An arrow appears whenever he wants it while the spell persists. Otherwise these are normal arrows (though they disappear when the spell ends).
Dexterity Persistent
Summon Assistant: Summons a small spirit roughly as big as a monkey. It can fetch items and perform simple tasks but it doesn’t fight. Lasts for one hour per success.
Charisma Instant
Summon Torch Spirit: Summons a
torch spirit, a small spirit which flies and glows in the dark. The torch spirit will fly where it is ordered to go and without orders, it will make educated guesses as to what the caster wants illuminated. Lasts for one hour per success.
Summon Fog: Caster summons fog which persists for ten minutes per success. More successes creates a bigger fog bank. The fog raises the difficulty of melee attacks by +1 and ranged attacks by +2.
Intelligence Instant
Web: This spell has two versions. It can constrain one target who needs to pass a feat of strength check equal to the successes rolled. The second version hits one target per success plus one, but the strength of the webs are reduced by two.
Stamina Instant
Second Circle Conjuration Spells
Conjure elements (Summon Fog, Grease): Creates a small quantity of normal water, air, water, or fire. Fire will burn out without fuel. Water will spill on the ground if there isn’t a container available. Air will be used up if breathed or disperse if in the open. If you want to actually use air to make a violent gust of wind, compare your successes -1 to the feat of Strength chart.
Stamina Instant
Glitter Dust: Glowing dust outlines creatures revealing invisible creatures. Targets are blinded for successes in turns unless they pass a Wits + Athletics roll difficulty 7 and match or beat the caster’s successes.
Intelligence Instant
Stinking Cloud (Summon Fog): Gaseous cloud provides +2 difficulty to ranged attacks through it. Beings in the cloud suffer a one die penalty to all action unless they happen to be a creature that doesn’t need to breathe such as a zombie or golem.
Stamina Instant
Summon Sleet (Summon Fog): Sleet storm lasts for two turns per success raising all difficulties by +1 for beings caught in storm. Provides +1 difficulty to all ranged attacks through the sleet storm. Leaves behind an ice slick for one half hour per success though the duration can be adjusted up or down if its cold or hot out.
Intelligence Instant
Summon Steed (Summon Assistant): Summons a horse or pony like spirit for two hours per success. At five successes plus you get eight hours. The summoned steed will not panic around dangers or noises but will not kick and trample enemies.
Dexterity Instant
Summon Swarm (Web): Summon a
swarms that the caster controls. One success summons small bugs. Two successes summons large bugs. Three successes summons flying bugs. Four successes summons flying bugs with two extra health levels for the swarm. Five successes summons a swarm of birds or bats.
Dexterity Instant
Third Circle Conjuration Spells
Attacking Tentacles: You summon one tentacle for two successes, rounded up. They have a Strength equal to the number of successes roll. They have health levels equal to half the successes you rolled, rounded up. They have an attack pool equal to your Wits + Brawl. They inflict bashing damage with a basic strike or can try grapple, disarm, or trip maneuvers.
Wits Instant
Conjure Item: You summon a mundane weapon or tool. One success will get you a crowbar, five successes will get you a crossbow. Items last for one hour per successes. For 20 drams of reagents the item is permanent.
In no cases can you make precious metals or gemstones.
In all cases the items are unremarkable and generic as possible. You can make a dagger but you cannot make an intricately decorated dagger with the coat of arms of the royal family on it.
If you have real prior experience crafting the thing you are conjuring, lower the difficulty by -1 if you are proficient, lower the difficulty by -2 if you are exceptional in your craft.
Intelligence Instant
Lesser Spirit Summoning (Summon Assistant, Summon Steed): Summons a minor fighting spirit for you for ten minutes per success. Three successes gets you two spirits. Five successes gets you three. Spirits are intelligent and formidable but they only have one effective health level. Upon taking any unsoaked damage, the spirits are banished to to their home plane.
Charisma Instant
Solid Fog (Summon Fog): Like Summon Fog but it impedes movement. +1 difficulty to all physical actions within.
Intelligence Instant
Summon Greater Swarm (Web, Summon Swarm): Summon a swarm that the caster controls. One success summons flying insects. Two successes summons rats. Three successes summons birds or bats, four successes summons feral cats or large rats. Five successes summons wild dogs.
Dexterity Instant
Fourth Circle Conjuration Spells
Cloudkill (Stinking cloud): Gaseous cloud provides +2 difficulty to ranged attacks through it. Beings in the cloud suffer a two dice penalty to all action unless they happen to be a creature that doesn’t need to breathe such as a zombie or golem. Living beings take an unsoakable level of lethal damage every round they are in the cloud.
Stamina Instant
Spirit Summoning (Summon Assistant, Summon Steed, Lesser Spirit Summoning): Summons a moderately powerful spirit for you for ten minutes per success. Three successes gets you two spirits. Five successes gets you three. Conjured creatures have the same stats as the level three spell but they have several more health levels.
Charisma Instant
Summon Elemental (Conjure Elements, Lesser Spirit Summoning): Summon a small elemental out of its component element. With three successes you can summon a medium sized elemental. Five successes can summon a large elemental. Takes ten minutes to cast.
Charisma "Instant" though with extended casting time
Wall of Stone (Conjure Item, Conjure Elements): Summons a solid wall of stone for 30 minutes per success.
Stamina Instant
Fifth Circle Conjuration Spells
Greater Spirit Summoning (Summon Assistant, Summon Steed): Summons a powerful fighting spirit for you for ten minutes per success. Three successes gets you two spirits. Five successes gets you three.
Charisma Instant
Magic Pocket/Magic Room (Dimension Door): A container holds magnitudes more space than the dimensions of the container should. The enchantment lasts one day per success. If you do not empty your container before the spell expires, items have a 50% chance to be dumped out and a 50% chance to be drifting aimlessly in the ethereal realm or astral plane somewhere. Living beings in a magic pocket begin to suffocate.
If 50 drams of
reagents are consumed, a magic pocket can become a magic room. The item has unlimited air and a comfortable temperature for the occupants as long as they spell persists. When the duration of a Magic Room spell ends, the occupants are sent safely to the area they exited the material plane from. Magic room can be extended with a recasting for only 20 drams of regents.
Intelligence Persistent
Open Planar Gate: Opens a gate to another plane to allow material beings into the realm, or spirits into the material. More successes get a more accurate or helpful spot in said plane. The casting of this spell takes one hour.
Intelligence "Instant" though with extended casting time