Count Anatol Palbuc IV the Mighty

Count Anatol Palbuc, IV (a.k.a. the Mighty)

Second born child and the only son of Count Anatol Palbuc III. Anatol IV was born very soon after his father was made a Count by his brother the Duke.   He was a reputed to be a great warrior and well-liked by the people, especially the commoners but he didn't have much of a head for day-to-day business of being a count. Fortunately for the County of Paznoky, Anatol was married off to noblewoman who had the education and natural talents to make up for her husband's shortcomings. They weren't exactly passionately in love, but they had a good working relationship.   Whether due to fertility issues or a relative lack of having sex, they only had one child, a son.   He died in battle, killed by a dragon after badly wounding it. A death the bards love to sing about years later.  
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
1776 CE 1817 CE 41 years old
Circumstances of Death
in battle against a dragon which was slain by his men

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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