Creating a Disguise Without Magic

Disguises are a major part of espionage, but this skillset can be used benignly in performance and theater. Illusion and Transmutation magic can make near perfect disguises to the naked eye, but magical disguises are relatively easy to detect with arcane or divine divination magic. Mundane disguises cannot be pierced by magic, only by careful observation.   The roll is generally Perception + Legerdemain, or Perception + Craft (if the character has an area of expertise in stagecraft) or Perception + Performance (if the character has an area of expertise in acting).   Difficulty is determined at the Game Master's discretion and is based on many factors.   First, how complex a "transformation" the artist is attempting. It is one thing to disguise a noble as a non-descript peasant but it's another to impersonate a specific individual or change races. It is easier to add features than hide them. Slapping prosthetic ears on a human to make an "elf" is easier than making an elf's ear's look human. Usually elves impersonating humans use hoods.   The second factor is what does your character have to work with? Thanks to centuries of theatrical traditions and centuries of Byzantine politics, Scarterra has more makeup and costume options than the real world had in the preindustrial era. Scarterra has fairly advanced hair dyes, makeups, prosthetic noses, fake beards, and the like available for sale in larger cities. But often disguises are crude and improvised. It's easier to make a disguise with a performing troupe's makeup wardrobe than it is with a handful of dirt and some loose horse hair. If you are making a disguise for yourself it is more difficult to do so without a good mirror.   The third factor is time. It's easier to apply a good disguise in an hour than in a minute.  
Kormatin Portrait2 by Eron12 on Hero
by Eron12 with Hero Forge
Brigid's second portrait by Eron12 with Hero Forge

Cover image: Beauty box of Merit with contents including kohl tube and situla Inv. no. :S. 8479 by Museo Egizio


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