Damage Types and "Soaking"

Bashing Damage

  Bashing damage represents blunt trauma. Fists, rocks, short falls, that sort of thing. It is heals much faster than lethal damage.   Health Levels lost due to bashing damage is represented with a “/” in the appropriate wound box starting with the top box and working down.   A character who takes bashing damage beyond the incapacitated level begins taking lethal damage. If an incapacitated characters takes three additional levels of bashing damage overwrites the top three levels of bashing damage with lethal damage.   In most cases bashing damage can be healed with rest alone, relatively quickly. Magical healing requires a divine caster with Healing ●●.    

Lethal Damage

  Lethal damage represents severe life threatening damage. Swords, monster teeth, large falls, crushing attacks among many other things.   Lethal damage is represented with an “X” in the appropriate wound box starting with the top box and working down.   A character who takes lethal damage beyond the incapacitated level dies.   In most cases lethal damage requires supervision by a trained healer and lots of rest to heal. Magical healing requires a divine caster with Healing ●●●.    

Aggravated Damage

  Aggravated damage is rare. Aggravated damage is generally limited to very high level magic attacks or powerful monsters that channel the power of the Void into their attacks.   Aggravated damage is represented with an “*” in the appropriate wound box starting with the top box and working down.   A character who takes aggravated damage beyond the incapacitated level dies.   Aggravated damage is no more difficult to heal with mundane medicine and rest than lethal damage is, but it is very difficult to heal with magic requiring a divine caster with Healing ●●●●●.    

Soaking Damage

  Characters can resist taking damage with a reflexive "soak" roll.   Soaking Bashing Damage Characters can resist bashing damage by rolling a soak consisting of their full Stamina rating plus any armor worn plus any applicable bonuses for spells or magic effects.   Soaking Lethal and Aggravated Damage Most humanoid characters cannot soak lethal or aggravated damage at all with their Stamina, relying entirely on armor and magical protections. Soak Rolls are always difficulty 6 unless enhanced or impeded by specific magic.   Unless otherwise stated, any armor or power that allows lethal damage to be soaked also allows aggravated damage to be soaked.   Soak rolls are reflexive rolls and never suffer wound penalties or multi-action penalties. Soak rolls cannot be botched. Treat a botched soak roll as a simple failed roll.

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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