dust wraiths

"Our wisest elders can get in long and esoteric argument about how dust wraiths came to be and what they want. Are they restless dead? Are they undead? Are they aligned with the Void or are they of the mortal plane? Are they warriors who died an inglorious death from heat stroke and thirst? Were they villains in life? Do they have any tie to the souls they used to be at all?   Meanwhile, everyone else is just saying 'Just tell us the stories about dust wraiths fighting great heroes!'"   -Janesh, Mereshi Outrider
  It's not clear whether dust wraiths are a type of restless dead, simply a type of ghost with a highly unusual power, or if they are a separate undead type.   Dust wraiths are a rare aberation only seen in sandy deserts. usually the Great Colassian Desert, but they are occasionally seen in Khemarok's deserts.   Dust wraiths blur the line between coporeal and incoporeal creatures. They can form temporary bodies out of sand making simulacrums of human or elf warriors, complete with weapons and occasionally shields made out of sand. The weapons are as hard and sharp as metal. The sand bodies of the warriors are not particularly durable, since their living opponents able to be dispersed with a single strong blow, but they will reform again out of sand nearby in mere seconds.   Sometimes they are bound and enslaved by necromancers who direct sand wraiths to attack their enemies. Others times they act as rogue agents indscriminately attacking living mortals in remote deserts.   Occasionally seen alone, they are most commonly seen in small groups. They will try to flank living opponents and often wear them into exhaustion as they seem to keep coming back after being cut down and dispersed.   While they are infamous for coming back in a new body after their body is cut down and dispersed, they cannot come back an infinite number of times, but they can come back many times. Stories indicate them coming back anywhere between three and twelve times before they stop coming back. Even then, they seem to be able to recover their ability to form new sand bodies after roughly a week of dormancy.   Generally, independent rogue sand wraiths are better at coming several times relative to those bound by necromancers. This has led some scholars to speculate that the number of times a sand wraith can reform their body is determined by their will power (since it is mostly low willpower spirits which end up being bound by necromancers).   A warrior with a normal blade can beat a sand wraith by cutting it down several times. A warrior with a Silverwood club or a magic weapon enchanted to fight incorporeal opponents can destroy them for good bypassing the sand bodies and hitting the actual spirit.   They look and fight like strong and skilled human or demihuman warriors, they are clearly the restless or warped souls of warriors of this sort. Unlike most undead or restless dead, they seem to prefer to be active in the day and rest and night and they seem slighlty stronger in daylight than in darkness.


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