Dwarf Clan Generator

Scarterra has about 130 clans but I have only profiled seven or eight.  If a dwarf RPG or novel character needs a clan generated in a hurry, I got this chart.   Meckelorn clan is especially proud of their….   1 - adhesion to traditions   2 - former victories   3 - riches   4 - famous ancestors   5 - great dwellings and/or artifacts   6 - artifacts   7 – craftsmen   8-adhension to traditions   9-former victories   10- pick one, roll for another     Stahlheim clan is especially proud of their… 1 - adhesion to traditions   2 - former victories   3 - riches   4 - famous ancestors   5 - great dwellings and/or artifacts   6 - artifacts   7 - craftsmen   8 - riches   9 – Great dwellings and/or artifacts   10- pick one, roll for another       Meckelorn clan is least proud of… (use bracketed option if the same number is rolled as above or if it fits better)   1 - weak adhesion to traditions (breach of tradition)   2 - former victories for the wrong reasons (current losses)   3 - lack of wealth (lost wealth)   4 - lack of famous ancestors (bad generation)   5 - poor dwellings (dwellings ruined by time or war)   6 - lack of artifacts (stolen artifacts)   7 - lack of craftsmen (craftsmen leaving for other clans)   8 - lack of wealth   9 - former victories for the wrong reasons (current losses)   10- pick one, roll for another       Stahlheim clan is least proud of…   (use bracketed option if the same number is rolled as above or if it fits better):   1 - weak adhesion to traditions (breach of tradition)   2 - former victories for the wrong reasons (current losses)   3 - lack of wealth (lost wealth)   4 - lack of famous ancestors (bad generation)   5 - poor dwellings (dwellings ruined by time or war)   6 - lack of artifacts (stolen artifacts)   7 - lack of craftsmen (craftsmen leaving for other clans)   8 - lack of famous ancestors (bad generation)   9 - weak adhesion to traditions (breach of tradition)   10- pick one, roll for another   Most dwarf clans have a filial shrine with the names of their ancestors in it. Sometimes these shrines are used all the time, sometimes they collect dust.       Ancestor Worship is viewed as something that is…   1 Frivolous   2 Unnecessary   3 Unnecessary   4 Kept up for appearances sake   5 Mostly for holidays and funerals   6 Mostly for holidays and funerals   7 Routine   8 Routine   9 Important   10 Vital       Clans Official Religious Practices   1 Typical for dwarves   2 Typical for dwarves   3 Typical for dwarves   4 Typical for dwarves   5 Slightly unorthodox for dwarves   6 Slightly unorthodox for dwarves   7 Slightly unorthodox for dwarves   8 Atypical for dwarves   9 Atypical for dwarves   10 Highly unusual for dwarves       Kalazotz are… (Meckelorn adds +2 the d10 roll)   1 Biding their time to betray us   2 leeching off of dwarf society   3 annoying to have around but we owe them our hospitality for what their ancestors did   4 Mostly harmless   5 Useful servants   6 Useful servants   7 Allies of convenience   8 Valued allies   9 Valued allies   10 Practically family   11 Practically family   12 Practically family       The Clan Elder   The eldest male is always officially in charge in ceremonies, but the clan elder might actually be the true leader   1-3 The clan elder is the undisputed leader in word and deed   4-5 The clan elder shares his power with a trusted right hand   6-8 The clan elder shares power with a right hand who often disagrees with him   9-10 The clan elder is basically a figurehead to a puppet master of some kind       The leader is: (1-6 Roll Once, 7-9 Roll Twice, 10 roll thrice)   1 - unscrupulous   2 - warmongering   3 - paranoid   4 - greedy   5 - lustful   6 - a terrifying presence   7 - an extraordinary thinker   8 - a well-known artisan   9 - well-liked among his clan   10 - secret coward   (if there are two leaders, roll separately for both)     The clan’s unofficial leader was chosen because he or she:   1 - charismatic   2 - great warrior   3 - great speaker   4 - strong of faith   5 - rich   6 - weak and easy to manipulate   7 - easily angered   8 - old and experienced   9 - skilled negotiator   10 - tough and resilient     Their clan inside is (roll 2d10, interpret)   1 - insidious   2 - mercenary   3 - loyal   4 - friendly   5 - formal   6 - hierarchical   7 - traditional   8 - hedonistic   9 - ambitious   10 – insular   For instance if they are insidious and loyal, that means they quarrel and scheme amongst each other but provide a unified front to outsiders   If a clan rolls the same number twice they are famous for that having that single trait to an almost ludicrous degree.

Cover image: 2nd Age Meckelorn Coat of Arms, simplified by Me


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