
Encumbrance A human or a human-like character such as an elf can carry about 25 pounds of gear per dot of Strength he or she has with no movement penalty.   A character with a -1 difficulty adjustment on Strength rolls can carry 35 pounds of gear per dot of Strength before they suffer movement penalties   A character with the Puny flaw such as a gnomes or goblins can only carry about 15 pounds of gear per dot of Strength.   A character carrying one dot of strength above their normal encumbrance (1-25 pounds extra for humans) moves at half speed. Each factor above this halves the speed again so a human carrying 26-50 pounds of additional gear moves at a quarter of his normal speed. A person can lift double her encumbrance rating (or more), but she cannot walk or move while doing so. Characters can also shove or drag extremely heavy loads.   It is usually not necessary for a game master to be strict on this and require characters to keep track of what they are carrying, but players should not treat their characters like pack horses or the game master may be forced to make them keep track of the weight of their gear closely.


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