Eye of the Empress

"Surrender or become our dinner!"   -Tridal, cyclops pirate hunter
  The Elven Empire's economic and political might is dependent on sea power, so the Lunatan cyclopes and their love of the sea make them natural allies.   A lot of cyclopes are serving on the Empire's merchant and warships, but they usually serve on integrated vessels.  Often you see a ship crewed by humans and elves with one or two cyclopes serving as muscle.  Very few cyclopes serve on ships with a primary cyclopean crew.  The most famous or perhaps infamous of these vessels is the Eye of the Empress.  
The Eye of the Empress, is a warship in the navy of the Elven Empire with a completely cyclopean crew (they occasionally take on elven spell-casters as passengers for support).   The Eye of the Empress is greatly feared by pirates in or near Imperial waters largely because the current empress signed an imperial decree that gives the crew of the Eye the legal right to eat pirates that do not surrender.  Most pirates choose to surrender.
by Eron12 with Hero Forge
  They keep the original copy of empresses' royal decree in the Eye's hold as a good luck charm the cyclopes treat like a holy relic.  Most of the crew can quote the imperial decree word-for-word verbatim.  Needless to say, the crew are very loyal to the current empress.

Power Generation

Sail power

Weapons & Armament

Ramming prow and balistae, but the crew normally prefer to board enemy vessels and fight hand to hand.
"Be our prisoner or be our dinner!"
Owning Organization

Cover image: Flag of the Eye of the Empress ship by Me


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