Fetyarus and Yelkabob

The dark elves, Ravalor Yelkabob and Akar Fetyarus are a very famous (or infamous) bounty hunter duo.   Originally, Yelkabob and Fetyarus were employed in Kahdisteria to apprehend runaway slaves. Eventually they decided that their skill set would earn more coins acting as bounty hunters in human dominated lands, more often than not in West Colassia. The two elves have no real patriotism to their homeland and have no personal compunctions of taking contracts for non-elves. They will do any job for any client as long as it pays.   Dark elves will probably always be mortal enemies of the East Colassian humans, so the bounty hunter duo steers clear of the Colassian Confederacy, but outside of East Colassia, most humans are only vaguely aware of their atrocities and the dark elves (ahem, Kahdisterian elves) have been trying to improve their image as respectable trading partners, with some limited success.   While they pair do not have to hide their true heritage, they usually choose to do so. It is usually not difficult for Fetyarus and Yelkabob to impersonate wood elves or grey elves and they have a variety of fake names and aliases they like to use. If they find themselves near wood elves, they will impersonate grey elves and visa versa, so no one can realistically challenge their aliases.   Both are good fighters, though Fetyarus is a little bit more skillful with a sword and bow. Fetyarus also has most of the wilderness and tracking skills.   Yelkabob is more socially adept and better at getting information from talking to people. He also has a little bit of arcane magic.
Illicit, Other

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