Fisherman's Friends

Fisherman Friends are a large diverse class of spirits commonly in service to Mera , occasionally in service to Korus    Fisherman Friend spirits usually look like unassuming but slightly large gulls or grizzled looking uncatchable fish.  A few more exotic and blatantly supernatural looking Fisherman Friends exist.  They usually have secondary powers beyond the basic power of all Fisherman Friends.   The basic power of all Fisherman’s Friends is that they can lure fish towards or away from fisherman. This is generally to reward good stewards of the sea (or the river as it were) and to punish bad stewards. Mera spirits are more likely to reward than punish. Korus spirits are about equally likely to reward or punish but no Fisherman Friend spirit is arbitrarily. They observe a subject carefully for a long period of time before enacting their verdict.   They can speak to mortals but are shy and rarely choose to speak, or do anything to reveal themselves. A small number that do reveal themselves (or even a few that are subtle) actually receive token offerings from fisherman and become regular “Little gods" to an area.

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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