flesh golems

Flesh golems are corpses stitched together and made to walk by magic. Technically these are not undead, but they are often mistaken for undead. Most princes and peasants are just as horrified by flesh golems as they are by actual undead. The creation of flesh golems is generally illegal or at least highly restricted.   Most flesh golems are human sized, but they are as big and heavy as large humans. Most people don’t want a flesh golem passing the butter during a banquet, so flesh golems are usually used for guard duty or to augment armies.   While the garden variety flesh golem is a lumbering muscular humanoid, crafted from several humanoids stitched together, creative golem crafters can stitch together chimera-like monsters adding things like wings, bony scales, claws, fangs, scorpion tails, all sorts of nightmare inducing combinations resulting from mixing body parts of different species.   Flesh golems are usually magically enchanted to be immune to rot. If they are not, a golem can be made much cheaper and much faster, but it will not last very long. Most golem crafters build their golems to last.   Flesh golems usually have a horrifying appearance, but for their relative strength, flesh golems are the easiest and cheapest golem to use if the goal is to create as many effective soldiers as possible.   For the RPG mechanics of creating flesh golems, check out Flesh Golems by the Numbers

Flesh Golems That Swim

  Flesh golems are the only golem commonly used in Scaraqua because most of the other golem types either float or sink. A great many Scaraquan flesh golems are chimeric creations often sporting combination of body parts such as shark teeth, crustacean claws, and grappling squid tentacles.   While flesh golems still remin everyone of grisly death, Scaraquans usually put less stigma on the crafters of flesh golems than Scarterrans do.

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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