
Gaunts are a feared and hated type of spirit associated with Maylar. They take the form of emaciated humanoids hence the name gaunts.  Most, but not all look like tall old men.   Most spread disease with their touch, and a few more powerful gaunts can spew a disease causing miasma from their mouths.     Gaunts come in a wide variety of power levels. All gaunts can cause disease but many gaunts have secondary powers. Most gaunts are surprisingly tough and resilient despite their appearance of frailty. Many gaunts are nimble climbers and scale up sheer vertical surfaces. Some have super strength or super speed. Some have magical stealth powers.   A rare few gaunts can cure disease with their right hand and cause disease with their left hand. After infecting someone, they will offer the cure for a price. Usually the price is serving Maylar in some symbolic way, often through violence.

Can they sire or bear half-spirit children?

  Sadly (and grossly) the answer is yes.  They are thankfully rare.   Many Testers develop natural immunity to disease and a rare few of these individuals choose to couple with gaunts as a sign of devotion to Maylar.   Half-spirit mortals of this lineage are terrifying to behold and even more terrifying to battle.  They usually operate under with "Inverse Appearance"] rules.  They are usually strong and tough and much like their spiritual parent, can spread disease easily.  Unlike their spiritual parents, they a mortal's inventiveness and ingenuity, spreading misery and pain in many ways, not just with diseases.

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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