Greymoria's Monstrous Children in Kahdisteria

As the chosen nation of Greymoria , monsters and monstrous humanoids with Greymoria’s blessing are forbidden to be enslaved and are to be welcomed with open arms into Kahdisteria . Very few creatures choose to take the dark elves up on this offer however.   The dark elves used to have an alliances with several tribes of kobolds, but the Colassian Confederacy killed most of them convincing the remaining kobold tribes to stay far away from the Confederacy and the dark elves.   Of all of Greymoria's monstrous children, the dark elves get along best with arachpliza. Kahdisteria employs an elite cadre of arachpliza bounty hunters and spies that are very good at tracking down runaway slaves.
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Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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