High General

Kantoc is very conscious of class and rank and there are dozens of different knightly orders.   Knightly orders are as a rule, very competitive with other knightly orders and they are very loyal to their own commanders.   Any major military endeavor is probably made up of knights of several orders lumped together, so there is a need to establish a clear chain of command for joint efforts.   A High General is a knight or less commonly a lord that is appointed as the leader for an armed group from mixed unit.  Most High Generals are appointed by the king directly though it is possible for a duke to appoint a High General if the duke is the highest ranking lord present (and any other dukes present yield the right to contest his High General).   The appointment of a High General is intended to be a temporary thing.  At most, a High General retains his rank for the duration of a single military campaign though more commonly a High General is only appointed for the duration of a single battle.
Civic, Military, Generic
Source of Authority
Royal decree
Length of Term
Related Locations
Related Organizations

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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