Hunting for Food

Roll Intelligence + Survival to find edible fauna and then either shoot it or trap it. Each roll takes four hours. The base difficulty varies between 4 and 8 based on how abundant the local fauna is with the norm being 6 more in "typical" places. Each success can feed a human sized person for one day.   This assumes that the people in question are okay eating rabbits or squirrels. If the hunter is being picky and will only settle for specific types of prey, raise the difficulty by +1 or +2.   Base difficulty assumes the character has a good bow or professional quality snares. Using improvised snares or non-ideal weapons raises the difficulty of hunting rolls by +1.   Superior equipment and/or well trained hunting dogs and the like might lower the difficulty by -1.   Having tagalongs that slow the hunter down needlessly or make a lot of noise could raise the difficulty by +1.   If your character is trying to make good time traveling overland and wants to hunt while moving, raise the difficulty to find prey by +2.


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