Hunting for Sport

Nobles or warriors trying to show their meddle generally hunt dangerous prey such as bears and boars and they usually choose to take them down with close combat weapons like lances or spears.   This requires finding a trail (Perception + Alertness), exercising his riding skills (Stamina + Ride), keeping control of the mount when the prey is cornered (Wits + Ride), and finally skills at arms (Dexterity + Melee). Boars may be hunted on foot with broad spears, though this is more dangerous.   Deer and wild horses can be hunted for sport (Dexterity + Archery). Some people may indulge in falconry (Wits + Animal Ken), usually they are the very elite of society.   Some hunters seek out magical beasts for bragging rights. These so called "hunts" are better handled with normal combat rules.

Cover image: Mosaico de Las Tiendas (public domain) by unknown Roman artist


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