
Jumping is generally a simple task and simple leaps can be accomplished without die rolls. Longer leaps or those when a mishap may occur require the character roll Strength + Athletics (difficulty 3, or 4 for characters with the Puny trait). Each success allows the character to jump 2 feet vertically or 4 feet horizontally.   A failed roll means that the character has failed to clear the required distance but he may roll Dexterity + Athletics to grab on to a ledge or take some other action to avoid injury. A botch means the character falls short or overshoots the target, in some way that likely causes injury and certainly causes embarrassment.   One can be hurt without botching a roll if they get insufficient successes to clear the required distance.   Characters can roll Perception + Athletics (difficulty 6) as a free action to gauge a distance (and thus how well they need to roll) they are going for before attempting the jump.


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