Kormatin Solo Session 12 8-23-2022, Brigid the super spy

General Summary

This was a fairly short Brigid heavy session. Brigid bought some fancier clothes, a couple extra rapiers, and adopted the persona of a dragon blood.   Kormatin's party entered Swynfaredia, sold their two extra horses to pick up some Swynfaredian minted gold and got a great deal. Now Brigid had a fair bit of Swynfaredian gold. The party entered Old Uwcharedia, Ragani and Kormatin stayed behind at camp while Bendek impersonated her Talon Warrior guard.   Brigid impersonated a Gruffyl dragonblood impersonating a Gareth dragon blood. The plan was to have Brigid offer clandestine aid to the would-be coup planned by the traitorous Uwcharedian born sorcerer/sorceress couple.   Then Kormatin's party would leave a trail to provide evidence that implicate the treacherous plans of the couple to Duchess Nia.   Brigid had to adlib her way out of say awkward situation but was able to eventually do this, leave some minor evidence behind while an invisible Ragani slipped a note spelling out the details in the pocket of Idwal par Goirisonad Grand Marshal of Uwcharedia. Hopefully when he investigates the anonymous tip-off, he will find the bread crumbs Brigid laid out.   The rest of the session was spent milling different strategies for the attack on Uwcharedia.   Eventually the plan was settled that the Lantern underground would cause a mess while about a thousand Fumayan soldiers under the cover of fog stage a direct invasion of Wooly Slopes to capture as many watch towers as they can and hopefully draw out Idwal and his sorcerer goon squad. They are going to not use any magic until the sorcerers, then have their abjurers and diviners neutralize the sorcerer responders to hopefully catch them flat footed.   Coordinated with this, the roughly 2000 Borderlander troops will assault the fortress marking the midway point between Old Uwcharedia and Wooly Slopes, then move on to the Duchesses' castle. Most of their buffing spell casters are going to augment the front line troops to hopefully make these assaults very blitz krieg like.   That's the plan anyway.
Report Date
23 Aug 2022
Related Characters

Cover image: Brigid in Heroforge by Eron12 on Heroforge


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