Kormatin Solo Session 14: 9-7-2022, Borderlands coup wrapped up

General Summary

Kormatin's coalition rested a night. The Nerozik troops secured the Wooly Slopes province and the rest marched on the castle of the Duchess of Uwcharedia. There were some alchemsists fire traps but the only casualties were a few straw golems. A few caltrops took men out of the march.   Kormatin tried to demand a surrender. The Duke and Duchess initially believed that they were puppets of Mostyn the Conspiring Sorcerer and Talaith Conspiring Sorceress but that didn't really matter.   They refused Kormatin's terms so his coalition engaged and defeated the Uwcharedian's remaining army, then they surrendered. The Uwcharedians left for Swynfaredians unharmed but without their weapons, armor, and wealth.   Kormatin stuck around to help with the transition. Then they went to Prophet's Pass for the Hallisan's Solace to memorialize Tihalt. Then the party went to Fumaya, stopping to visit Baron Fyodor Deorac IV before answering King Henryk Linijka's summons.   Henryk briefly pretended to be angry at Kromatin for started a war in the Borlderlands then congratulated him on a job well done. Then we concluded the story arc.
Report Date
13 Sep 2022

Cover image: Blue Peaks Heraldry by Me using Worldspinner's heraldry tool


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