Lady Anja Deorac III

Lady Anja Deorac, III

  Lady Anja is the first born Baron Fyodor Deorac IV and is the apple of his eye and he is everything he wants to see to see in a Deorac. Anja is a capable wizard, administrator, courageous, and shrewd if not always likeable.   Parents are not supposed to have favorites, but she is definitely his favorite.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She is not ugly per se, but she was never a looker in her youth and now she is pushing fifty and the years have not been kind to her and it's likely her spell casting has contributed to this. She is stern and she has a severe case of resting bitch face which is offputting to people who don't know.   Once in excellent physical shape, years of stressful living have slowed her down a fair bit so now she is in adequate physical shape.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

She married a very capable but low born courtier loyal to the Deoracs. They have three sons and a daughter, all with the Deorac name, all adults.

Anja Deorac III

  Willpower 8   Dexterity 2, Strength 2, Stamina 2, Appearance 1, Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Intelligence 4, Perception 4, Wits 4   Abilities: Alertness 3 (+1 paranoia), Animal Ken 1, Athletics 3 (+1 rays), Commerce 1 (+1 haggling), Dodge 1 (+1 rays), Empathy 2 (+1 lie detecion), Enigmas 1, Etiquette 3 (+1 formal courts), Expression 2, History 1 (+1 Talama), Intimidation 3 (+1 unsettling stares), Investigation 2, Leadership 3, Melee 3 (+1 swords), Politics 1 (+1 Swynfaredia), Ride 3, Seneschal 3, Stealth 2, Subterfuge 3 (+1 poker face), Survival 1, Theology 1   Rare Abilities: Spellcraft 3   Casting Attributes: Abjuration 3, Divination 3, Invocation 4   Abjuration Spells: (1) Alarm (7d), Endure Elements (5d), Obscure Object (6d), Protection (5d), Shield (5d), (2) Dispel Magic (7d), Illusion Alarm (7d), Obscure Person (6d), Protection Circle (6d), Protection from Energy (5d), (3) Obscure Area (6d)   Divination Spells: (1) Detect Magic (7d), Detect Poison (7d), Detect Secret Doors (7d), Detect Void Creatures (7d), Identify(7d), True Strike (5d) (2) Clairvoyance/Clairaudience (7d), Detect Thoughts (6d), Divine Analysis (7d), Detect Enchantment (7d), See Invisibility (7d), Scrying (7d), (3) Floating Eyes (7d), Hunter’s Mark (7d), Legend Lore (7d)
Lawful Neutral
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
1794 CE 44 Years old

Cover image: Anja Deorac by Eron12 with Hero Forge
Character Portrait image: Anja Deorac by Eron12 with Hero Forge


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