Lady Dalida Palbuc

Lady Dalida Palbuc was held up as the proper example of what other Fumayan highborn ladies should strive to be like.   She was polite and well-mannered, very literate, respected by her peers and loved by the people. She was well-liked by the common people, and considered very pious by Nonagon. She was considered touched by her great grandmother Luceria as she liked to be outdoors, enjoyed traveling the woods and kept enviable gardens.   He tragic death occuring on Greymoria's double zodiac time is when people really started speculating in earnest whether House Palbuc was cursed though skeptics pointed out that if you ride horses all the time, you are eventually going to have a riding accident.  
1565 CE 1607 CE 42 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Hallisan's Zodiac Year
Circumstances of Death
horse riding accident

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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