Lord Reese Numaness the Cruel

Lord Reese Numaness (a.k.a. the Cruel)

A second generation dragon blood.  Reese was the second supposedly true-born son of Lord Troilus Numaness the Mask and Lady Rhian Fremiss the Promiscuous.   He was a competent manager of estates, but he was one of the weakest sorcerers of his generation drawing unfavorable comparisons to his brother Lord Ceron Numaness the Squib and further shaming his father, who also publicly stated that he has "my name but not my blood."   Reese was known to be brutal and rapacious with the peasants.  It is rumored that he is the one responsible for poisoning his sisters.  
999 CE 1060 CE 61 years old
Circumstances of Death
murdered by an assassin claiming to be acting on Zarthus' behalf

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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