Mace of the Wyrm Slayer

The Mace of the Wyrm Slayer is a legendary magical item that pops up in ancient stories.   It is a magical mace studded with the tips of dragon fangs instead of metal or bone spikes. The Mace is powerful in its own right but it is believed to be able to bypass the scale armor of any dragon making it a brutally effective dragon killer.

Manufacturing process

It is unknown whether the Mace was crafted by mortal hands or was crafted by one of the Nine. If it is of divine origin, it would clearly qualify a Legendary Divine Talismans.   Some have theorized that the Mace is not indestructible but there is a magical formula to allow the Mace to be re-forged over and over again.


Here the words of Vesstan, chief scholar of Principality of Silfûrhëim and headmaster of the local school.   You want to hear about the Mace of the Wyrm Slayer. I suppose I can indulge, even legends have a kernal of truth.   In the immediate aftermath of the First Unmaking, the Nine created elves to supplant dragons as the dominant race of Scarterra.
by Eron 12 with Hero Forge
  Not every dragon was content to just roll over and let our ancestors take over. The early centuries of the Second Age saw a lot of violence between the first generations of elves and pockets of dragons who dreamed of reinstating dragon dominance over the world.   The Mace of the Wyrm Slayer was crafted by ancient elf mage of great power or it was created by the Nine to aid our ancestors. Perhaps a mighty elf of yesteryear with the aid of the Nine. We will probably never known.   The Mace of the Wyrm Slayer was extremely devastating against dragons, but it is a still melee weapon and requires a would-be dragon slayer to close into melee range with a dragon.   The Mace has been used to slay hundreds, maybe thousands of dragons, but the Mace provided no protection to the wielders. The Mace has had hundreds of owners as the previous one was slain.   Generally the wielders of the Mace were powerful warriors who either had Abjuration arcane ability or Protection theurgy enough to protect against energy attacks or they had allies with this magic. This avoided death by dragon fire (usually) but not other forms of attacks. Also, they usually had some form of magical ability to fly.   It is unknown how and why so many mortals were able to recover the Mace after the previous owner was slain without a dragon preventing them from doing this. The Mace of the Wyrm Slayer is believed to be indestructible, even if the wielders clearly were not.   Many replicas of the Mace of the Wyrm Slayer were created in ancient times. That way, if a dragon was attacked by thirty elves wielding a toothy mace, they were not sure who was the threat and who was a diversion. A few of these replica maces have turned up over the centuries and sit in the vaults of eccentric collectors.   Where is the real Mace? It is unknown, child.   There have been rumors of the true Mace of the Wyrm Slayer appearing at various times during the Third Age, but nothing deemed credible.   If the Mace still exists, it is most likely buried under the lair of a modern dragon who sleeps with one eye open.
This is an extension of a Spooktober 2023 entry.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Creation Date
Destruction Date
Unique, but it is rumored to have been copied.

Cover image: Mace of the Wyrm Slayer ver by Me using Midjourney


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