Meckelorn in the Second Age

During the Second Age, Meckelorn was essentially the ONLY place one could find dwarves.   They usually traded peacefully with elves. They had some brushfire wars with nearby elf kingdoms but the elves had too great of numbers for the dwarves to launch a large scale offensive and Meckelorn had too great of fortification for elves to want to launch a large scale offensive. They could have taken the dwarves out by force but the cost in elven lives would be enormous, so no while elven monarchs applied hard diplomatic pressure on the Meckelorners, none of them pushed outright war.  
According to the dwarves own telling of history, their race emerged from the Great Stone of Meckelorn. Surviving historical accounts written by ancient elves confirm that the dwarves first arrived in the lands of Meckelorn and then expanded outward. They most settled in mostly mountainous areas as is their preference. Also it helps that most elves were not especially fond of this terrain so the dwarves did not have to fight very hard to claim it.   By the end of the Second Age there were small dwarf holdings in nearly every mountain range in Scarterra, but it seems only Meckelorn survived the Second Unmaking, rumors not withstanding of a small colony in Penarchia that barely survived.   The ancient nation of Meckelorn feuded a lot with its elven neighbors, especially but not exclusively Disteria. The Meckelorners believed that war with the elves could break out at any time and they stockpiled supplies and weapons and built up their fortifications over centuries. They never did go to war with the elves, but these stockpiles and fortifications helped a lot against the Void Demons and their minions on the onset of @Second.   While the Meckelorners suffered grievious losses as did everyone else, Meckelorn fared better than most. The dwarves own accounts estimate they lost slightly more than half their population. A grievous loss to be sure, but less than most other mortals endured.   -Akeem of Magicland, professor Emeritus of History

Demography and Population

88% dwarves 6% elves, 5% gnomes, 1% other
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Successor Organization
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Standard Currency with the kings face on one side of the coin and the national seal on the other.
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: 2nd Age Meckelorn Coat of Arms, simplified by Me


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