Mera's Zenith Celebration in King's Lake

Mera 20th/Horning 30th is officially Mera's Zenith, but most Fumayans do not choose to observe this holiday, unless they live in the capital King's Lake or one of the smaller settlements on the opposite shore of the lake.  Because fishing is so essential to the livelihood of these places, Mera's Zenith's is a big deal.   The townsfolk thank Mera for providing them with a clean water source and beseech Mera for a good year of fishing.   Unofficially a lot of breweries have piggybacked on to the holiday justifying that their craft relies on the water of King's Lake as much as the fisherman do.  There is a lot of ale drinking as they finish off what's left of last's year's brew and offer the first samples of the new year's brew.   So fish and chips and ale.   Many dwarves make it a point to be in King's Lake at this time.
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Cover image: free photo from Pexels by Oziel Gómez


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