Merits and Flaws for Arcane Casters

Arcane Caster Merits

    Book Savant (1): Your character gets -1 difficulty on rolls to recover Quintessence when using a spell book.   Cross Disciplinary Mage (1): Must have at least one dot of Spell-craft to qualify. Your character suffers no penalty when using spell books, teachers or magical items from magical traditions vaguely similar to your own and only a +1 difficulty penalty on working with wide disparate magical traditions.   Scribe Scroll (1): You can store active spells on scrolls. You do not need this merit to use a scroll someone else made. Any arcane caster can do this.   Brew Potion (2): You can store active spells in potions or magic oils and make a few assorted wondrous items with clearly finite use such as magic candles that last until they burn up.   Craft Charged Magical Item (2): You can store multiple active spells in an item such as a wand. It does not have to be wand. You can store spells in a stick, the hilt of a sword, or the hem of your robes among other things. You do not need this merit to use a charged item that someone else made. Any arcane caster can do this.   Eureka Moments (2): Your character can learn new spells without spell books or teachers. Roll Perception + Enigmas to draw on this spontaneous knowledge. The normal experience point cost must still be paid.   Magic Blood (2): You can choose to take an unsoakable level of lethal damage to replenish five points of quintessence any time as a free action. This damage cannot be healed with magic, only with rest.   Craft Permanent Magic Item (3): You can make a permanent non-charged magic item. It could be a ring, clothes, weapons, armor. Anything that is not a wand, potion, or scroll fits here.   Natural Quintessence Generation (3): You get 10 quintessence points every day you get a good night’s sleep, on top of other sources of quintessence.   Pain Tolerant Caster (2): Wound penalties are halved (round up) when casting spells. You need a Stamina of 3 to qualify for this merit.   Practiced Silent Caster (3): You receive a +1 difficulty penalty when forgoing verbal components while casting arcane spells rather than the usual +2 difficulty.   Practiced Still Caster (3): You receive a +1 difficulty penalty when forgoing somatic components while casting arcane spells rather than the usual +2 difficulty.    

Arcane Caster Flaws

    Spell Book Illiterate (1):  Must have Eureka Moments.  Your character cannot use or even read spell books of mages outside your order or read arcane scrolls without divination magic.   Arcane Marks (3): Your character prepares spells and regains mana from mystic sigils either tattooed or scarred on his skin or sewn on clothes that he has to wear every day. This means most peasants can immediately identify that you are a mage. People trained in Spellcraft can make an educated guess on what your relative power level is and which schools of magic you favor.   No Silent Casting (2): You cannot even attempt to cast spells silently.   No Still Casting (2): You cannot even attempt to cast without somatic components.   Book Bound (7): Your character cannot regain quintessence without a spell book (or some other talisman) or a magic font. Spell books are not irreplaceable but they are fairly expensive.   Focus Bound (4): Must be an arcane caster. You cannot cast arcane magic without using a wand, athame, icon or some exterior focus. It’s not impossible to replace your arcane focus if it’s lost, but it should take at least a full week to craft a new focus or a couple hundred gold to buy one. Caster’s choice whether they use one ueber-focus such as an ornate staff or one focus per each school of magic such as using an athame for necromancy, an amulet for abjuration, and a crystal lens for divination.   Bardic Mage (8): Your character uses music to cast his spells other than power word spells. Silent casting is impossible and you receive a +2 difficulty penalty if you cast a spell without a music instrument (unless it’s a power word spell in which case you don’t need an instrument). It does not have to be a masterwork or exotic musical instrument (unless you also take Focus Bound).

Guidelines for Merits and Flaws by Tradition


Aesthetic Hermetic Wizards

  Required: Arcane Spell caster Merit, Willpower 5+ and Intelligence 3+ and Wits 3+ OR Willpower 8+ and Intelligence 2+ and Wits 2+   Highly Recommended: Cross Disciplinary Mage Merit   Recommended: a high Willpower score, at least a few dots of Enigmas, practiced silent caster, practiced still caster.   Forbidden: Bardic Mage Flaw  

Body Wizards

  Required: Arcane Spell caster Merit, Willpower 5+ and Stamina 3+, OR Willpower 8+ and Stamina 2+   Highly Recommended: Arcane Marks Flaw, at least a few dots in Enigmas, and Survival,   Recommended: at least a few dots in Melee and Hearth Wisdom, Uncanny Appearance Flaw, Pain Tolerant Caster Merit, Spell Book Illiterate Flaw   Forbidden: None  

Classical hermetic wizards

  Required: Arcane Spell caster Merit, Willpower 5+ and Intelligence 3+, OR Willpower 8+ and Intelligence 2+   Highly Recommended: Book Bound Flaw, Book Savant Merit   Recommended: at least a few dots in erudite abilities, Scribe Scroll Merit   Forbidden: Illiterate Flaw   Fae Warlocks   Required: Arcane Spell caster Merit   Highly Recommended: A few seemingly random supernatural merits and flaws   Recommended: A couple dots of Engimas and Hearth Wisdom, flaws related to being a social outsider, a mix of very high and very low attributes, Eureka Moments   Forbidden: May not be a dual divine caster.  

Folk Magicians

  Required: Arcane Spell caster Merit, Willpower 5+ and Intelligence 3+, OR Willpower 8+ and Intelligence 2+   Highly Recommended: at least a few dots in Enigmas, Hearth Wisdom, and Survival, Brew Potion Merit   Recommended: at least a few dots in Arcana, at least a few dots in Medicine, Cross Disciplinary Mage Merit   Forbidden: None  

Greymoria Witches/Warlocks

  Required: Arcane Spell caster Merit, Willpower 5+   Highly Recommended: A few seemingly random supernatural merits and flaws   Recommended: Eureka Moments, Social merits and possibly Flaws tying the warlock to the Children   Forbidden: None

Nami Warlocks

  Required: Arcane Spell caster Merit, Willpower 5+   Highly Recommended: A few seemingly random supernatural merits and flaws   Recommended: Eureka Moments, Social merits and possibly Flaws tying the warlock to the Rovers   Forbidden: None  

rune casting wizards

  Required: Arcane Spell caster Merit, Willpower 5+, Intelligence 3+, Stamina 3+ OR Willpower 8+ Intelligence 2+, Stamina 2+   Highly Recommended: Focused Bound Flaw (physical runes), Magic Blood Merit (by carving runes on the caster’s body)   Recommended: At least a few dots in the Crafts ability, Scribe Scroll Merit, Pain Tolerant Caster, Craft Permanent Magic Item Merit, Craft Charged Magic Item Merit, Magic Blood Merit   Forbidden: None


Required: Arcane Spell caster Merit, Eureka Moments, Natural Quintessence Generation   Highly Recommended: Magic Blood Merit   Recommended: Spell Book Illiterate Flaw, Distinctive Appearance Flaw, Draconic Heritage Merit, Pain Tolerant Caster Merit   Forbidden: None

Cover image: Wizard of Oz Screenshot by Wizard of Oz crew


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