Mini Story 6.5 February 18 2023 Session, mistaken identity

General Summary

While the PCs were chilling in Barony of Crystal Fields waiting for Neshik to finish the new armor he was working on.   A Fire Aspect Fae disguised as a beautiful elf maiden accused Neffrey of stealing a crystal with a secret message in it form her ally. Eventually she revealed her name as Phyra. Phyra assumed Neffrey did it because he reeked of watery fae magic and had the mark of a thief branded on him. Relucantly, Neshik and company were able to convince her Phira did not steal the crystal though she stormed off angrily and ended causing a minor fire or too. Thanks to Neshik's great mercy, Phira was not put by the other PCs or the local constabulary.   After some investigation, the PCs discovered an Earth Aspect Fae disguised as an extra-earthy dwarf stole it. They confronted him, recovered the crystal and gave it back to Phira who gave a curt thank you and left. The earth fae merged into the ground to escape at this point.
Report Date
26 Feb 2023
Primary Location

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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