
(Charisma + Hearth Wisdom)   ● Animate plants to entangle foes (see sidebar) and do similar tricks (see sidebar). Preserve plant based food for very long periods of time. Magically obscure tracks. All effects are Instant   Entangling Difficulty Lush jungle 4 Typical Temperate Forest 5 Typical Rural Area 6 Relatively sparse open field 7 Nearly barren, including most underground places 8 Indoors 9   Obscuring Tracks Difficulty Ground has lots of plant cover 4 Ground has minimal plant cover 6 Ground has no plant cover 8 Ground has no plant cover and shows tracks easily (snow or soft mud) 9   Each success obscures the passage of one person.   ●● Talk to plants and receive a reply back, though plants often communicate very differently than sapient living creatures. More successes leads to a clearer answer. Persistent   ●●● Animate Control nearby all nearby plants that are not trees. Plants grow in size in temporarily. Vines trip or grapple opponents, thorns tear flesh, roots can displace stone. Effects depending on the the type of plant, but as a baseline, use the following guidelines below. Effects last ten minutes per success rolled. Difficulty varies based on available Plant cover using the chart from the level one Plant effects.   -Plants accomplish Feats of Strength equal to the caster's successes plus two.   -Plants attack and parry with a dice pool equal to the caster's successes plus one   -Plants inflict base damage (lethal or bashing) equal to the caster's successes rolled.   -Plants have soak levels and health levels equal to the caster's successes minus one.   This effect is a Spread spell   ●●●● The caster can alter the traits of plants and the effect lasts for a month per success before reverting back. At five successes the effects is partially permanent only reverting back partially unless the effect are relatively subtle in which case the full effect is permanent. This can make walls of vines, trees shaped into houses, giant fruit and vegetables, and allows for crop evolution and "food magic".   Instant   ●●●●● Animate trees to attack on your command and other feats of similar potency. Trees stay animated for one cinematic scene.   When the effect duration ends, the trees don't immediately stop moving. They will spend the next couple rounds moving to a suitable place to take root again. Preferably as close to their original location as possible. If there are no suitable places to take root, the tree will simple go inert after some flailing. If the plant theurgist reanimates them within 48 hours, she can move the tree somewhere safe before the tree dies.   A "large sapling" has six dice combat pools, inflicts 4 dice of lethal or bashing damage, and has five health levels and a S-class soak of three dice. Two such saplings can be animated for each success rolled.   A "small adult tree" has five dice combat pools, inflicts 6 dice of lethal or bashing damage, has five health levels and a H-class soak of five dice. One such tree can be animated for each success rolled.   A "large adult tree" has five dice combat pools, inflicts 8 dice of lethal or bashing damage, has eight health levels and a H-class soak of Seven dice. One such tree can be animated for every two successes rolled.   A "mighty tree" has five dice combat pools, inflicts 10 dice of lethal or bashing damage, has ten health levels and an H-class soak of nine dice. One such tree can be animated for every three successes rolled.   Range of this spell is line of sight. The caster is limited by the trees in her vicinity. If there are only large saplings in the area, than the caster cannot animate bigger trees no matter how well she rolls.   Sick or dead trees can still be animated as long as they are rooted to the ground. They should have fewer health levels and soak dice pools than a healthy tree.   Very healthy trees or rare breeds may have special bonuses at the Game Master's discretion, but most Plant theurges are green conscientious enough that they don't like to put rare trees in danger unnecessarily.   Spread

What does Entanglement Do?

  The default for Entanglement is vines creeping up a standing person's legs and pulling them down.   Game Masters and players can play with this concept if the target is not standing with his feet planted on the ground and resisting outside constraints. Also, different plants might do different things. Moss might be slippery instead of constraining.   Unless the target was entangled while prone, the target can still move and struggle to a limited extant.   A one or two success Plant roll will constrain the target's physical actions by +1 difficulty. A three+ success effect will impose a +2 difficulty penalty on a target's actions.   A target with his feet constrained is not going to be able to move from his position. A target with his weapon constrained probably isn't going to be use it.   A target can escape the constraints and penalties by making a Feats of Strength roll or Wits + Athletics roll to force out or wiggle out of the plants. This takes an A-action or B-Action. The target needs to equal or beat the success rolled by the Plant theurgist.
Healing Plant Creatures     This power works as the Healing sphere for plant creatures.   ● Alleviate wound penalties for one scene   ●● Remove one level of bashing damage per success   ●●● Remove one level of lethal damage per success   ●●●● Recover lost attribute points   ●●●●● Heal aggravated damage, regrow lost limbs   Rebuking Plant Creatures   Characters can roll Charisma + Plant Power to rebuke plant creatures. This opposed by the target’s Willpower if the plant creature has Willpower.   Successes over Plant Creature   One Success: Plant creature loses remaining actions for this turn and next turn. Target cannot dodge or parry but is not treated as helpless.   Two Successes: As with one success. Subsequent rounds the plant creature has one-die penalty on all rolls as long as undead turner is within Charisma x 10 yards   Three Successes: As with one success. Subsequent rounds the plant creature has two-dice penalty on all rolls as long as undead turner is within Charisma x 10 yards   Four Successes: As with one success. Subsequent rounds the plant creature cowers and the spot taking no aggressive action even if attacks. They are treated as immobilized but still struggling. This lasts for the caster’s Charisma in minutes.   Five Successes or More: For every success over four, the character can issue the plant creature a simple command which transcends language barriers though it must be spoken out loud. The plant creature will never directly harm the cleric who rebuked it but they may try to violate the spirit of a command if intelligent. If unintelligent they will not try to undermine commands but may misinterpret commands that are too broad “kill them all” and attack everyone but the cleric, even the cleric’s allies.   After the caster has used up the commands he rolled, the plant creature will go back to cowering indefinitely as long as the cleric is within Charisma x 10 yards, unless the caster wants to issue one more command in which case the undead will follow that last command then the turn is broken.

Cover image: by me with Midjourney


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