Normally, one character acts as "the guide" and can roll lntelligence + Survival or Wits + Survival. You can the guide choose their higher attribute or the Game Master can make a judgement.
If you want the party to hunt, collecting reagents, foraging for edible plants, fishing, or otherwise try to live off the land while traveling. Normally one character is the "guide" trying to make sure the party arrives at their destination quickly and safely and another character is the "gatherer" making dice rolls per the normal rules for whatever he or she is doing. If the "guide" and the "gatherer" are the same person, apply multi-action penalties.
Intelligence is the base attribute if you are mostly concerned about getting lost or wanting to make good plans. Recomended for flyers or winter travel.
Wits is the base attribute if you are mostly concerned about dealing with unexpected problems. Recommended for spring or autumn travel.
You can roll for every leg of the journey or you can do one representative roll. If you want to save time to focus on meatier story elements, you can gloss over "inconvient things".
Successes Rolled
Botch: Something very bad happens (see sidebar)
Failure: Something bad happens (see sidebar)
One Success: Three inconvenient things happen (see sidebar)
Two Successes: One inconvient thing happens (see sidebar)
Three Successes: You arrive at your destination promptly without any notable problems.
Four Successes: You arrive at your destination a bit faster than expected.
Five Successes+: You arrive at your destination quickly and safely, and something unexpected and good happened along the way (see sidebar)
Base Travel Difficulty
Summer 3
Autumn 4
Spring 5
Winter 6
Various Modifiers
Characters are actively avoiding trails, +2 difficulty
Characters are hunting and foraging along the way, +1 difficulty
Characters are moving at an unusually fast pace, +1 difficulty
Characters are traveling primarily at night, +2 difficulty
Characters are hauling heavy or awkward cargo, +1 difficulty
Party has negigible amount of proper camping equipment or have a severe supply shortage, +1 difficulty
The characters are choosing not to light campfires or torches so as not to give away their position +1 difficulty
Guide has been to the area multiple times before, -1 difficulty
Guide is a true local, intimately familar with the Borderlands -2 difficulty
Party has ready access to useful magic such as Fly spells, Protection from Elements, Animal and Plant theurgy, -1 difficulty
Group Modifiers
The base difficulties and modifiers assume you are dealing with 2 to 10 people.
Lone travelers suffer a +1 difficulty.
Large groups are a mixed bag. If most of the large group is mostly made up of seasoned travelers willing and able to help out with chores and provide extra hands and sets of eyes. -1 difficulty for the guide.
If the group is made up of people who can't or won't help much. Examples include children, elderly, prisoners, sick or injured or prissy people with lots of demands, +1 difficulty for the guide.
If a large group has language barriers and/or the group includes people with strong internal rivalries, +1 difficulty for the guide.
Overland Flight
If the party has the Overland Flight spell or some other means to let the entire party fly, this does not make the Survival roll easier because its much easier to get lost when you can't see the trail and trail markers. Also, you can accident or fall or accidentally drop supplies somewhere you will never be able to find them again. Also while flying you can't pick up supplies or find helpful people enroute.
However, the party can cover ground much faster with overland flight, roughly quadruple what the normal rate of travel would be.
Note, if the entire party has ready access to the spell Feather Fall, this automatically counts as as having ready access to "useful magic".
Samples of Inconvenient Things
-Add 20% to total travel time on this leg of the journey due to bad weather or other temporary factors.
-Characters sleep badly and do not regain Willpower on this leg of the journey.
-Every character needs to make a difficulty 6
Fatigue check to avoid arriving at their destination tired.
-One of the characters had an accident and needs to soak four levels of bashing damage, no armor applicable.
-Due to spoilage, animals, inclement weather or a fire, food wasted. Double food and water consumed on this leg of the journey.
-Characters have to pay an irksome toll or bribe to one of the Border Baron's minions.
-Characters fall in the mud or otherwise arrive at their destination more filthy than normal.
Samples Bad Things
-Characters get lost and add 100% to normal travel time.
-Characters lose a pack animal, tent, or other somewhat expensive piece of equipment.
-Characters lose, waste, or destroy a large portion of their food or supplies.
-Character's alert their enemies to their presence. The next time they face an ambush or a con, add +2 to Perception rolls to see it coming.
-Characters face a life threatening natural diaster such as an avalanche, mudslide, or high altitude thunderstorm.
-Character suffers a serious accident and needs to soak six levels of bashing damage, no armor applicable
-Due to various complications and poor recovery, spell-casting characters arrive at their destination with noticeably less mana and quintessence than they left.
-Characters had a miserable trip and arrive at their location a couple Willpower points low.
-Due to poorly treated water or food or exposure to heat stroke, hypothermia, or disease winds, the entire party needs to make a difficulty 6 Stamina save or end up with a non-life threatening and temporary but severe illness of some sort.
Samples of Very Bad Things
-Characters get extremely lost and add 400% to normal travel time or the Game Master can just put the character's somewhere else and run from there.
-Characters lose or damage a very expensive piece of equipment such as a magic item or an entire wagon of supplies with the pack animals pulling it.
-One or mor Characters has a serious fall or other accident and takes six levels of lethal damage, half-armor save rounded up.
-Characters get on the radar of an powerful enemy they didn't have before such as a dragon, court of Fae, tribe of orcs, or clan of ogres. Or one of their pre-existing enemies manages to gain an edge on them setting up a solid ambush.
Samples of Good Things
-Characters find some easy game, edible foilage, or a bit of reagents near the trail that they are able to collect without slowing down overly much. Or maybe they find a piece of supplies or equipment lost by another traveler.
-Characters learn a useful piece of information by finding clues or talking to travelers on the road.
-The next time the characters face a combat threat in the Borderlands, they get forewarning or some other edge on their opponent.
-Characters rescue or assist one or more travelers from another group that had some kind of mishap.