Scalenex Bestiary February 2023 Entry Page

Febuary 2023 Bestiary Informal Challenge

  1. Wings   2. Stripes   3. Horn   4. Shell Turtle gorillas, pretty literal take on the theme here.   5. Colorful   6. Nocturnal   7. Mythical   8. Prey   9. Monstrous   10. Danger   11. Purr   12. Roar   13. Shriek   14. Howl   15. Tamed Megalania, classified as "Tamed" because their species history involves being domesticated, going feral, being redomesticated, and going feral a second time.   16. Pack Psychic Spiders, classified as "Pack" because most spiders don't hunt with pack tactics...also most spiders don't weave webs of madness and despair but I couldn't find a prompt for that.   17. Burrow deep goblins because they live in underground.   18. Bond ajawnok, due to a great show of loyalty, King Drosst promoted one of his minions from "brutish henchwoman" to "brutish henchwoman with a noble title".   19. Stinky   20. Gentle   21. Messenger   22. Food tallosaurs because they are tasty. Note this is in my WHF world page, not Scarterra.   23. Vicious   24. Silent   25. Parasite   26. Predator   27. Stalk   I've already been developing some subteranean monsters for my RPG campaigns. I'll see if I can clean them up a bit bit for this challenge.   I've recently been experimenting with AI art programs though I have found it much easier to make objects than creatures, but if I can figure out how to generate good monsters I will.   In the meantime, I am waiting on some comissioned art for kalazotz and camazotz, likely but not guaranteed to be done before the end of Feburary.   I plan to write some new zotz based articles to celebrate. It wouldn't be a new monster because I have written about the 'zotz before but I do plan to make articles for specific tribes of kalazotz and camazotz and maybe a few articles for famous individuals of the two races. Without further adeu   Psychic Spiders are something I playtested in late January and have tweaked a little in early February, I was hoping for a prompt like "fear" or "despair" but "danger" or "pack" will have to do.   Psychic Spiders act as normal (if very large) spiders most of the time, but the females need to feed on psychic energy from intelligent prey in order to lay viable eggs and males have a special psychic attack to soften up intelligent prey for females they hope to mate with.   (I got a generic spider picture for now but I'm hoping to be able to find or produce something better before the end of the month.

Cover image: Bestitary February art by World Anvil


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