Shallows Versus Deeps Political Controversy

Scaraqua's nations and priesthoods have long had a debate on how closely Scaraqua should interact with Scarterra.   Those that want more relations between the sea and the surface world are nicknamed "Shallows" and those who want less relations between the sea and the surface world are nicknamed "deeps."     Most Shallows, fear the surface world. Neither Scarterra nor Scaraqua has anything resembling a comprehensive census but it is clear that Scarterrans greatly outnumber Scaraquas. Most accounts are that Scarterrans outnumber Scaraquans at least two-to-one, maybe even four-to-one according to some estimates.   A few Shallows simply believe that good fences make good neighbors.     The Deeps are actually split into two very conflicting ideas. Some Deeps want Scaraqua to dominate and exploit Scarterrans and Some Deeps want to trade peacefully with them. Some point out that these are not technically mutually exclusive because trade deals can be negotiated from a position of military strength.   They argue that most Scaraquans can handle short periods of time in the surface world safely whereas Scarterrans begin to drown almost immediately. Despite the Scarterrans advantage in raw numbers, they are extremely vulnerable when they are near the water. There is a not a whole lot the surface world could do if Scaraqua rose as one and began drowning sailors that didn't pay them tribute.   Whether they want to trade peacefully or whether they want to rob the surface world blind, the main prize that Scaraquans desire is forged metal goods, something that is normally difficult for Scaraquans to do on their own.     This is a major debate in the Oshamni Senate but the Oshamni Empire is not the only Scarquan power that is split on how best to handle the Scaterran relations.
Conflict Type
Political Debate

Cover image: Oshamni Heraldry by Warden


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