Sir Gerwin

Sir Gerwin was the fourth born son of a minor noble. His parents pulled strings to get him trained as a wizard figuring advancing as his his wizard was his best way to advance himself.   Gerwin wanted to be a warrior. His parents and tutor only let him train in combat after his homework was done, so to speak.   Gerwin was a relatively slow study on magic with a mediocre intellect but a tremendous will which he pushed through his magical studies on his strenght of will, mostly picking up physical spells to help him accomplish the physical feats he yearned to do.   Sir Casmir, Grand Marshal of Fumaya classifies him as a Knight of Glory and a Knight of Patriotism. He is one of the knights inducted into Henryk's recently.
Willpower 8, 40 quintessence Dexterity 3, Strength 3, Stamina 3, Appearance 3, Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Intelligence 2, Perception 3, Wits 3     Abilities: Alertness 2, Animal Ken 2, Archery 3, Athletics 2, Brawl 3, Commerce 0, Crafts 0, Dodge 3, Empathy 0, Enigmas 0, Etiquette 1 (+1 warriors), Expression 0, Hearth Wisdom 0, History 1 (+1 military), Intimidation 1 (+1 machismo), Investigation 0, Leadership 0, Legerdemain 0, Medicine, Melee 3 (+1 maces), Performance 0, Ride 3, Sailing 0, Seneschal 1 (+1 stables), Stealth 2, Subterfuge 0, Survival 2 (+1 hunting), Theology 0 (10)     Rare Abilities: Spellcraft 1, Arcana (+1 monsters) 1     (1) Darkvision (5d), Expeditious Retreat (5d), Feather Fall^ (5d), Household Transmuting (5d), Jump (5d), Spider Climb (5d), (2) Fly (5d) (14 exp)     Casting Attributes: Transmutation 2 (6) Merits: Arcane Spellcaster (3), Noble (2), King's Kight (4), Practiced Still Caster (3)   Flaws: Book Bound 7
Aligned Organization

Cover image: Sir Gerwin by Eron12 with Heroforge
Character Portrait image: Sir Gerwin by Eron12 with Heroforge


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