Slavery in Uskala

In Kahdisteria we use slaves to produce wealth. In Uskala they use their slaves to display wealth.   -Perxidor, dark elf enchanter
  The Kingdom of Uskala allows for for essentially unlimited slavery of goblins. It allows for slavery of humans under limited circumstances.


There is a legend that before Drosst was King Drosst, and he conquered his first city-state, that he worked with anti-slavery Lanterns to help overthrow the existing regime and then he betrayed and murdered all of the abolitions who helped him ascend to power and became the greatest tyrant West Colassia had ever known since Vladimir the Conqueror.   I'm not sure I believe the story. It doesn't really matter. Even without this betrayal, Lanterns and Drosst's minions are eternal enemies and will remain so until that monster is slain.   Essentially, from the moment "Drosst the wanderer" became "King Drosst", his kingdom condoned human slavery (not that I condone goblin slavery either), even when the kingdom of Uskala only had dominion over fifty thousand souls till the modern days when millions live and die under that tyrant.   Over centuries, the slave population went down. Uskalan nobles used to have lots of slaves working the fields and now they have a few slaves working in the home (though I believe these slaves suffer more psychologically than field slaves do).   Supposedly by Drosst's personal edicts, the justice standard to sentence an offender and his family to slavery became more strict. A fair number of nobles "freed" their slaves. The problem is they were freed from slavery only to become only to become serfs.   Now Uskalan nobles use slaves for sexual exploitation and trophies to show off. Void take all their souls.   -Farica, Uskalan Mask Breaker


Any goblin that runs afoul of Uskalan soldiers could easily wind up in chains, when they aren't killed outright. Goblins do not have to be convicted of crimes, they are always presumed guilty.   Uskalan law allows for human criminals and their families to be sold into slavery for high crimes, with the state of slavery hitting the family line indefinitely.   Gnome slavery is outlawed in Uskala as it is most places, largely due to the looming legacy of the Order of Delas. This may or may not be doing the gnomes some favors. Gnomes convicted of serious crimes in Uskala are usually executed or they are set free on a technicality after the convict's family puts together a hefty bribe for the judge.   Technically, it is legal to for Uskala to enslave elf or dwarf criminals convicted of serious crimes, but in practice, Uskala has an unofficial policy of not enslaving these nations so as not to alienate the nations of Meckelorn, Stahlheim, and Codenya who Uskala relies on in trade. For similar reason, foreign Swynfaredian humans convicted of crimes on Uskalan soil are never sentenced to slavery.   Foreigners from elsewhere, are especially vulnerable to enslavement if convicted from a crime because exotic slaves are highly valued and the unofficial policy is if their homelands are far away, no one can complain.


Most owners of goblin slaves are high level mining foremen. Sometimes goblins are used outside of mines to work other sorts of menial grunt labor roles.   Most owners of human slaves are high ranking nobles or wealthy merchants wanting to flaunt their wealth. These slaves act as household servants and are usually well-dressed at all times.

Uskala and Kahdisteria's Slave Trade

"Technically, it is not legal for Uskalans to keep any slaves not convicted of crimes on Uskalan soil. But the rich and powerful can use a few well placed bribes to get the falsified paperwork showing the criminal history of any slave.   By law all goblins are automatically guilty of crimes, so it is not necessary to bribe anyone to get goblin slaves, not that there is much demand for this.   Most human slaves in Uskala are household servants, skilled craftsmen, musical performers, or concubines. Beautiful slaves, especially beautiful women fetch a high price in Uskala.   King Drosst himself is rumored to drink a beautiful slave girl dry at least once a week.   Even with the ability to cast a wide net and punish a offender's family in addition to the offender, Uskala sentences mostly men to slavery.   Uskala exports a lot of male human slaves to Kahdisteria and Kahdiseria imports female humans to Uskala. It's not a very booming trade, but it's a lucrative one for those involved.   -Perxidor, dark elf enchanter
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Cover image: TOA0078 by National Maritime Museum of Greenwich


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