Sphyrnian Karakhai

The Spyrnian Karakhai are hammerhead Karakhai.  The Spyrnian Karakhai are the most commonly seen variant of Karakhai to the point that for many Scaraquans, Spyrnian Karakhai are the default Karakhai. They are especially common in the equatorial region of Scaraqua (which is the most densely populated region of Scaraquan for almost every race).   Spyrnian Karakhai are usually nomads but they tend to stick to small and predictable migration routes. As a result, Spyrnian Karakhai clans and tribes are generally more territorial than other Karakhai. This causes conflict between the various Spyrnian tribes as they compete with each other for territory and sometimes clash with other Scaraquan races.   While they are fiercely territorial, Spyrnian Karakhai are a little bit more social and diplomatic than other Karakhai. They can and do negotiate trade deals, established borders, or mercenary relationships with various non-Karakhai undersea powers. A small number of individuals and clans have even formally allied themselves with the Oshamni Empire or other Scaraquan civilized powers.
Encompassed species


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