Spirit Horses

Korus is the god of horses, but all of nine of the Nine have ultimately accepted that horses are useful.   Divine spell-casters with Spirit Magic can summon spirit steeds.   Spirit horses are usually slightly faster, slightly stronger, and noticeably less tiring than most ordinary horses as ell considerably more intelligent but the spirit horses summoned by mortal magic do not have any overt supernatural powers at their command.   At least some of the Nine have spirit horses loyal to them that do have exotic supernatural powers, but they are normally sent down from above, not summoned from below.       Even common spirit horses tend to look very odd and are clearly not ordinary horses.   Phidas' spirit horses look like sickly nags but they are deceptively strong being no weaker or slower than other spirit horses.   Mera's spirit horses tend to be bluish in coloration.  Some have scale patterns or a fin like mane vaguely resembling hippocampi.   Korus's spirit horses are usually exceptionally handsome.  Some have a very small stub of a unicorn horn.   Maylar's spirit horses tend to have black and red coats and manes and a menacing demeanors and often have glowing red eyes.   Greymoria's spirit horses vaguely resemble Kelpies, often with eyes belying trickery and they are often dripping water.   Khemra's spirit horses tend to have golden coats and manes and a faint glow reminiscent of the sun   Zarthus' spirit horses tend to have bright silver coats and manes and a faint glow reminiscent of the moon.   Nami's spirit horses always look like they are buffeted by winds even when standing still.  Their tails and manes often have rainbow color or crackle with static electricity.   Hallisan's spirit horses have a vaguely stone like appearance to their coats and a statuesque sense of majesty about them.

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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