Staying in a Hospital

Scarterran Hospitals almost never turn people away unless they are known criminals. They don’t normally charge admission, but donations are encouraged. Your character gets food and lodging though the food is along the lines of a watery stew and some dry biscuits.   The two issues are that hospitals are often full of the bottom rung of society, so anyone staying in a hospital has to avoid issues with rotten apples. You have to deal with filth and disease and you have to deal with the fact that you are sleeping in a den of society’s riffraff.    

Roll a Stamina save to avoid getting parasites or an illness

  Difficulty 3 if the hospital has a full time magical healer with Purification 3 on its staff (this is the ideal situation)   Difficulty 6 if there is a part-time non-magical healer on the staff (this is the most common situation).   Difficulty 8 if the hospital has no healing staff and there is a plague outbreak in the area.   Success means nothing bad happens.   Failure means your character picked up lice or something minor getting +1 difficulty on social and mental concentration activities for a few days. A botched roll means you caught something more serious.  

Make A Social Roll to Avoid Getting Shanked

  You also have to avoid getting stabbed or robbed by someone disreputable.   If you want to keep a low profile and quietly distance yourself from the trouble makers, roll Wits + Empathy.   No one can stay mad at someone who makes them smile and laugh. If you want to be too likeable to mess with, roll Charisma + Etiquette.   In hospitals, the strong prey on the weak. If you wish to project strength to deter would-be attackers, roll Manipulation + Intimidation.   Difficulty varies depending on just how mean and nasty the other residents are.   Difficulty 3 represents a hospital that is literally next door to the chapter house of an order of knights or holy soldiers dedicated to safeguarding the hospital and the realm is currently at peace.   Difficulty 6 is your typical isolated crowded hospital during peacetime.   Difficulty 9 represents an isolated hospital experiencing an influx full of wartime refugees and there are suspected spies and dark cultists among the hospital refugees. Even if you don’t run afoul of one of these spies or cultists, someone could mistake you for being a spy or cultist.   A successful roll means nothing bad happens, and you slept well.   A failed roll means your character was too paranoid and fearful to sleep restfully and regains no temporary Willpower. If this happens repeatedly your character may suffer some chronic dice penalties until you get a good rest.   A botched roll means your character faces a serious incident.

Cover image: Hospital Life (1514) by Pontormo


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