Story Arc 6: The Battle Against the Dirty Crows

General Summary

The Dirty Crow story arc was completed was completed over 4 or 5 relatively short sessions.   The Dirty Crow Orc Extortion Scheme involved shaking down villages in the poorly defended County of Polnoc for tribute and it was starting to be too much for the villagers to handle.   Neshik, Aranil, and Svetlana the PCs along with their ally Umara and her sidekicks, helped raise and train a militia to resist the orcs.   About a quarter way in, we tacked on a new player playing a temporary character, Cregor the dwarf rangers who arrived with a small group of orc-hating dwarf warriors from the Red Shaft Clan who were helping out because the clan owed King Henryk III a favor.   They set up various booby traps, especially alchemist's fire and drilled the militia as best as they could.   The PCs detected an orc adventuring group scouting them out, the PCs killed most of them and took one orc ranger prisoner and eventually let her go for spilling information on the orc tribe that the Red Shaft Clan had a specific grudge against. This orc party was notoriously independent, so it wasn't especially suspicious to the rest of the tribe that they never came back.   The PCs ambushed and attacked their advanced scouts, then goaded the main block of warriors into attack and after a false retreat led the bulk of the enemy warriors into a bunch of traps, burning over a hundred warriors with alchemist fire.   The defenders only lost about ten men and took out a hundred and fifty orcs who then withdrew. The PCs and a small number of their bolder allied NPCs formed a pursuit party and eventually got met with a peace party who agreed to an oath of peace in the name of Nami, their patron goddess.
Report Date
15 Jan 2023


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