
Some believe there is only one Terasconus, others believe there are multiple Terasconi but only one is ever present in the mortal plane at a time.   Tarasconi, singular Terasconus, are rarely seen but greatly feared. They are said to embody Korus' wrath, a rare and terrible thing.   A Tarasconus is a hideous chimeric monster with the head of a lion, tail of a snake, clawed legs like a dragon and a thick spiked shell. Roughly the size of full grown bull rhino.   Terasoconi are highly predatory and have a preference for mortal flesh, capable of swallowing human sized targets whole (if the target is dead or otherwise not struggling much).   Terasconi are very cunning hunters, have razor sharp teeth and claws, and can spew a poisonous miasma to weaken or even slay their prey.  It is unclear whether Terasconi are very clever animals or are somewhat dim sapient beings.   Terasconi are usually released into the mortal plane when one or more mortals greatly offends Korus, usually by disrespecting or despoiling nature in a serious way. Sadly, a Terasconus is not very discriminate in it's targets. After being summoned it will generally begin attacking any mortal it finds.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

A lot of the more militant branches of the Stewards like to put the imagery of Tarasconi on their armor, shields, and banners.

What is the relation between Scarterra's Terasconi and the (in)famous Terrasque of Dungeons and Dragons?

  Both monsters are greatly feared eating machines, the main difference is scale.   The Scarterra Terasconi can devastate a city or rural countryside and D&D Terrasques can lay waste to entire continents.  Both are loosely based on the terrasque of French folklore.

Cover image: A pen and ink drawing of a tarasque (public domain) by unknown artist in the 1500s


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