Thinking Medieval with a Twist: Hunting Laws in Scarterra are a bit more lax

This is part of my "Thinking Medieval" series

Oversimplified Take on Hunting Laws in Medieval History

  One aspect of medieval Europe that has permeated into a lot of books and movies is that nobles restricted hunting on their lands and this sort of poaching was often a capital crime. Sometimes it was a blanket ban on all hunting, and other times it was only for larger game.  
GIF from Robin Hood Men in Tights by Mel Brooks
  Even ancient Earth humans knew that it was possible to deplete an area's hunting stock, but hunting wasn't restricted for enviromental reasons, it was so the king or the duke or whoever was the lord could go hunting whenever they wanted.   Waste is taboo in medieval societies, so they did eat what they hunted but the priority was for recreation not food. But this wasn't entirely for recreation, since one of a medieval lord's primary duties was defense of the realm and hunting was viewed as good means to keep martial skills sharp during peacetime. And it lets a lord familarize himself with the subtle ins and outs of his own land which will come in handy later if he has to defend his own land against invaders.   Through the lens of historical relativism, this looks like a backwards or oppressive custom by people today but it is worth noting that during times of famine, medieval Earth lords usually stopped recreational hunting and opened up their lands to public hunting, at least to an extant.   This certainly applies to most Scarterran lords. Most Scarterran lords enjoy hunting for sport and it is viewed as a means to keep martial skills sharp during peace time. So by extension, most Scarterran feudal lands limited hunting rights for non-nobles.  

What is Different in Scarterra

  -The presence of supernatural beasts, rogue spirits, marauding goblins and other so called "monstrous" humanoids, and various fae creatures sneaking into the material plane, and feral elementals means that local lords have things that threaten their land periodically even in so-called "peacetime" so hunting expeditions are not strictly necessary to keep martial skills sharp.   -For various reasons, Scarterra has more woodlands and wild places than Medieval Earth did. This doesn't make it impossible to over hunt available game, far from it. It does make the need for regulating Scarterran less urgent.   -The number one reason why forests are valuable in Scarterra is not hunting rights or timber, but the reagents. A local lord is going to be far more upset at reagent poaching than deer or rabbit poaching.   -Thanks to the nature god Korus and his followers, Scarterrans have something loosely akin to modern environmental ethics.  

So how do these differences affect Scarterran hunting laws?

  Punishment for poaching is usually equally severe to medieval punishments for poaching, but there are it is easier for commoners to legally gain permission to go hunting.   Hunting restrictions are lowered in most of Scarterra, but they aren't absent. Very few Scarterran nations allow the lower classes unlimited access to hunting in the lord's woods but they do have more access than their medieval Earth counterparts.


Sometimes Scarterran lords will reward commoners who serve them well with hunting rights. Sometimes they will sell hunting rights to the highest bidder. Sometimes they will set up a lottery and randomly award commoners hunting rights.   Hunting rights given to commoners usually takes the place of a set quota of game and a set period of time. Their hunting rights are over when they either meet their quota or exhaust their time limit.


Most Scarterran lords will consult with the local Stewards of the Dominion to get a rough idea of how much game an area can "spare" and they tend to run the numbers by the Stewards before they start handing out hunting rights. If the Stewards suggest a temporary halt on all hunting, lords will usually take the suggestion as an order because Korus' wrath is scary as it is rare.   Scarterran lords, like medieval lords, still have rangers to patrol their more wild lands and the rangers are the main enforcers and middlemen for hunting rights. Scarterran rangers need to keep an eye on those hunting in their lords' lands if only to make sure they aren't using a legal hunting trip as cover for illegal reagent poaching.
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