Unarmed Combat Maneuvers

Bear Hug The attacker attempts to wrap his arms around a target and squeeze the life out of it. The character needs to get a grip on his target requiring a Strength + Brawl roll and then inflicts their Strength rating in bashing damage.   In subsequent rounds the attacker and defender make opposed Strength + Brawl attacks. If the defender wins he can escape the bear hug. Otherwise the bear hug continues.   Dice Pool: Strength + Brawl   Base difficulty: 6   Base damage: Strength bashing damage     Bite, Animal or Monster   Most quadrupedal animals can make a bite attack without initiating a grapple first. They simply reach out and snap their jaws at a target.   Dice Pool: Dexterity + Brawl   Base difficulty: 6   Base damage: Varies, strength +1 lethal for most natural carnivores.     Bite, Humanoid   A humanoid can do a surprising amount of damage with a bite but normally they have to initiate a grapple, tackle, bear hug or clinch before imitating a bite maneuver.   A character can raise the difficulty by +1 to +2 to make a targeted bite which could upgrade the damage to lethal at the targeting discretion.   Vampires and other humanoids such as gnolls with extremely sharp teeth inflict lethal damage with their bites but they still need to maneuver into very close range to make the attack since humanoid heads are not ideal for convenient biting of enemies at a distance.   Dice Pool: Dexterity + Brawl   Base difficulty: 5   Base damage: Strength bashing damage, lethal if the attacker has a special bite attack   Claw   Lashing out with one’s claws is a common attack by monsters, transmuted wizards, and animals alike both with two legs and four legs.   Dice Pool: Dexterity + Brawl   Base difficulty: 6   Base damage: Varies, strength +1 lethal for most natural carnivores. Many supernatural beings inflict more damage than this.   Clinch   Like a bear hug, but mutual. Both sides attempt to squeeze the life out of each other. The character that gets more successes decides whether the clinch continues or ends.   Dice Pool: Strength + Brawl   Base difficulty: 6   Base damage: Strength bashing damage   Grapple   Rather than inflicting damage, the goal of a grapple is to immobilize an opponent rather than inflicting damage.   A grapple is initiated with a Strength + Brawl roll. In subsequent rounds the attacker and defender make opposes Strength + Brawl. If the defender gains more successes than the attacker the grapple is broken, if the attacker wins or the two combatants tie, the grapple continues.   Dice Pool: Strength + Brawl   Base difficulty: 6   Base damage: Strength bashing damage     Kick   The character strikes an opponent with his knee of foot. The storyteller can modify the difficulty or damage roll for more difficult kicks.   Dice Pool: Dexterity + Brawl   Base difficulty: 7   Base damage: Strength +1 bashing damage     Punch   Lashing out with one’s fist is the most common unarmed combat maneuver for humanoids.   Dice Pool: Dexterity + Brawl   Base difficulty: 6   Base damage: Strength bashing damage     Sweep   In a sweep, the attacker attempts to knock her opponent to the floor by sweeping her legs from under her. If the attacker’s roll is successful, the target takes bashing damage and must immediately make a Dexterity + Athletics roll (difficuly 8) to keep their footing and avoiding a Knockdown.   Dice Pool: Dexterity + Brawl   Base difficulty: 7   Base damage: Strength bashing damage; knockdown     Tackle   The attacker charges at his target with the goal of knocking his opponent down with his momentum. The attacker rolls Strength + Brawl difficulty 7. If the attacker is successful the target takes Strength + 1 bashing damage and needs to roll Dexterity + Athletics difficulty 7 to maintain their footing and avoid a knockdown. Even if he is not knocked down, he is still unbalanced and suffers a +1 difficulty to his actions for the next turn. Dice Pool: Dexterity + Brawl Base difficulty: 7 Base damage: Strength+1 bashing damage; knockdown     Throat Jab   A rapid jab of several fingers to the throat. Throat jabs are primarily intended to neutralize spell-casters. Targets suffer Strength +1 levels of bashing damage. Targets struck by a throat jab cannot speak or cast spells with verbal components for one turn per unsoaked level of damage.   Dice Pool: Dexterity + Brawl   Base difficulty: 8   Base damage: Strength+1 bashing damage, special


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