
Korus is the god of nature, especially forests.  He is also the god of horses.   Some of Korus' mightiest guardian spirits are the unicorns.   Unicorns are essentially angels of nature.  They guard pristine forests of beauty and tend to the creatures that live there.   Most unicorns can heal wounds, purify, poisons, and eliminate disease with their horns.  There horns are more powerful than a lance when charging.   Beyond this, unicorns do not always have the same powers.  As Korus' forest champions, they are usually mighty individuals.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Unicorns hairs and flakes of horns are very powerful durable reagents.   Even though one could technically get more unicorn horn and hairs from a dead unicorn, horn shavings and hairs given willingly are more potent.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

They are not inherently hostile to humans (or any other humanoids), but they do not generally raise a hoof to help them unless they are clearly very in tune with nature. The exception is that unicorns have been known to aid humanoid children however.   Unicorns (usually) cannot speak, but they can understand all mortal languages. They will work with almost anyone if their chosen territory is threatened.

Can they sire or bear half-mortal children?

  Technically no, they cannot sire half-spirit mortals, but it is widely rumored that unicorns can sire or bear foals with ordinary horses or horse-like beasts.   Certain horses, pegasi, zebra and other equine beasts of unusual intelligence, strength, and vitality are rumored to have unicorn blood in their veins.

Cover image: "unicorn" by Gravity Falls television still


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