Vusnitt the gnome cirminal

This article represents what the PCs know about Vusnitt   Vusnitt was either the top lieutenant to Etch the shapechanging criminal or he was a full partner. What is known is that he deduced that the Guild of Shadows and the Black Hand were not true rivals and he talked his way into Etch's criminal empire.   After the PCs broke up Etch's criminal empire, Vusnitt remains the most important criminal at large.   He managed to escape King's Lake with a magical sack filled with a large portion of the criminal syndicate's ill gotten loot.   King Henryk put a price on his head of 1000 gold pieces dead, 1500 gold alive.. That's a lot considering how Henryk is so cash strapped.   Vusnitt has at least third circle capability with Enchantment spells, second circle capability with Illusion spells and Divination spells.

Vusnitt was the power behind the throne of Etch's criminal enterprise and is the only major member of that broken organization still at large.

View Character Profile
Year of Birth
1722 CE 116 Years old
blue black and shiny
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
light sandy brown

Cover image: Vusnitt version 2 by Me using Hero Forge
Character Portrait image: Vusnitt version 2 by Me using Hero Forge
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