Aheneus Estalar of the Dawn

Estalar has only very recently been declared an Aheneus but already has a lot of eyes on him because he is a very non-stereotypical Keeper.   Estalar is a half-satyr with small horns and is a bardic theurgist.   Apogee Jaromir and Apogee Nour are not sure what they what they want to do with him. Jaromir is leaning towards putting him in Dusk as a battle singer and Nour wants him Day as a musical liturgy leader. As a compromise they put in Dawn temporarily.   For now he is "musical ambadassor of Khemra" and is basically being sent out to passively draw up good will for Khemra by singing her praises and to work the crowd.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Estalar was born Village of Satyrs to a human mother and satyr father.   His parents had a falling out when he was fairly young. Estalar's mother became a heavy Khemra worshiper sort as as slight against Estalar's Nami-loving father.   While Estalar's father was the fantasy medieval equivalent of a "weekend dad" they did have a reasonably positive relationship and Estalar picked up his father's love of music.   Estalar joined the Fumayan Keepers, even by half-elf standards joined a little later than would normal. His teachers thought Estalar might not really be seriously since he was a late-joining extroverted (and flirty), musician that was literally horny.   They put additional barriers in front of him during his training to prove his worth and this crucible of resistance forged true steel as they, and he manifested theurgy, and because of his musical background, manifest in bardic theurgy.   Since this effectively displayed the approval of the Lady of LIght, almost overnight Estalar went from being the red-headed stepchild no one wanted to being the golden child everyone wanted to recruit.
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
1806 CE 32 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Cover image: by Me using Nightcafe


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