Air Troll

Air trolls are one of the emerging elemental variants of common trolls.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Not too surprisingy, air trolls are more dexterous but more wiry than other trolls of similar size. Air Trolls have gross wing flaps like flying squirrels and they can glide clumsily. In areas windy areas they can stay airborne for a few hours, but in areas of no wind, they can only manage ten minute glides at best.   Pygmy trolls are usually more agile flyers than medium or giant trolls but the larger trolls fly faster and longer even while they are less nimble.   Like all trolls, they have potent regeneration and are difficult to destroy with conventional weapons. Like most trolls their regeneration does not work against fire and most seasoned adventurers have heard the stories to chop a defeated troll into small pieces to slow their regeneration down and then set the pieces on fire to destroy them for good.   Air trolls have a unique weakness that few if any have discovered. Their regeneration is negated allowing them to be destroyed for good without fire if the pieces of their defeated bodies are buried under earth or sand.   They are less bothered being surrounded by stone, but their rate of regeneration is slowed down in the non-windy areas of Scarnoctis which is why most air trolls avoid the vast underground realm.

Ecology and Habitats

It is believed that all the elemental trolls evolved (or mutated depending on who you ask) in the depths of Scarnoctis, but very few air trolls choose to stay underground.   Air Trolls have an incurable wanderlust and they never maintain a permanent territory or lair like most other trolls. They have a strong preference for high altitude areas so they are most commonly seen gliding around high mountains.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Like most trolls, they can eat almost anything but greatly prefer eating meat, rarely ever completely satiated, they can pretty single-mindedly dense about their pursuit of meat.


In addition to a single-minded hunger common to all trolls and a wanderlust unique to air trolls, most air trolls are claustrophobic and will panic if forced into an area where they don't have the space to unfurl their wings.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Like most trolls, they have keen senses of smell. Relative to other trolls, air trolls have very keen eye sight, especially with regards to long distance.
Genetic Ancestor(s)

Cover image: by Eron12 with Hero Forge


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